Thursday, June 11, 2015

9 Reasons to realize one’s own maximum potential and possibilities

Credit: TemTi Sahu Ra

1. Because you're already trying to and don't even realize it– From
Food to money, from sex to intoxicants, all the things that comfort us
or we're addicted to, we only do for one reason – A desire to find a
peace that promotes growth within ourselves. This can be done
constructively withHolistic Livingwhich leads to balanced growth or
destructively(addiction, over-indulgence)which can lead to sharp
growth, inevitably followed by an even sharper decline!

2. Are you better off if you don't? –This is simple. Aim for
self-actualization, uncover your true self and be everything you are
supposed to be health wise, security wise, spiritually wise,
etc.OR…Forget self-actualizing and stay right where you currently are
for the rest of your LIFE!

3. Self-actualization is the purpose of Culture –Culture means
to'cultivate.'The focus of the cultivation is YOU, assisted by
following a well-trodden path of worthy morals, disciplines,
traditions, self-awareness and distinctions that have been designed to
bring out the best and ultimate in yourself. Now ask this
question…what is the purpose of your present culture and what is it
leading you to?

4. Times are changing –With an uncertain economy and the continual
disappearance of relatively long term job prospects, more individuals
are turning to their own abilities and discovering ways of motivating
and supporting themselves. This cannot be done successfully without
the process of self-actualization taking place on some level.

5. Because you accept the existence of a Supreme entity
–Acknowledgement of a Supremeanythingshould come with a desire to
achieve oneness or peace with that entity as part of your
self-actualizing process. But be warned: No'Supreme'anything can be
truly known without first knowing yourself, for without truly knowing
yourself you setup the greater potential for a life of misguidance,
misjudgment and delusion.

6. It is the way you are designed –From the 12 major systems of your
body to every last of one of your 100 trillion cells; they are all
doing one thing: Thriving to fulfill and actualize their purpose.
Without this process you cannot survive! Your Mind also needs to be
song the same thing in order to fulfill and actualize YOUR true
purpose. Without this happening you will always be mentally and
spiritually adrift.

7. Because you look up to or admire somebody –Whether it's a Mentor,
Idol, teacher, athlete or celebrity it the same thing: You see
something in them you admire and would take for yourself. That is your
cue to start developing your own talent and begin your process of

8.Going against Nature is painful –Every cell in your body as
previously mentioned is instructed by your DNA to self-actualize, yet
the impressionable mind can actually interfere with that imperative
just to feed poison (intoxicants, foods, toxic relationships, etc.) to
the body through a negative and uninformed culture or lifestyle.
Whether it's your overweight body, your underpaying job or your
dis-satisfactory personal relationships; accepting these things and
similar as the norm will kill your self-actualization efforts and
bring about an ongoing pain that most people shockingly accept and
call'life'or as we like to say,"the chronic imbalance that is a
pre-cursor to dis-ease."

9. Because gender exists –Everything in Nature has a dual or
partnering element that it must combine with in some way to become
whole and thereby self-actualized; i.e. Men cannot fulfill the
ultimate masculine role of Fatherhood without combing with a Female
counterpart.Achieving that union perpetuates the order of a Divine
singularity or God, that gives birth to a Masculine and Feminine
duality, then that duality ultimately has to pair up as a singularity
for another birth to take place; such is the order of Nature.

Most of us externally identify ourselves as either male or female.
This let's us know that we are never truly whole, healed or creative
until we combine in some way with our opposite aspecting the proper
way.However, no fulfilling external union can exist without the
correct uniting and balancing of our own internal duality of masculine
& feminine energies;a key tenet of all true religions.It is the
combining of these internal energies which enable a special type of
birth…the birth of the actualized YOU!


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