Sunday, June 7, 2015

How To Become A Self-published Author For Free

Are you someone who likes to read and write?
Well, Books are the only physical possessions you can have an
emotional attachment to. You would give up your computer and the
internet before you given up books.
You can listen to a lot of audiobooks right now and then when
working! You will like it. But nothing beats a real book, all your
senses would love it.

One of the MOST favorite things about your nature is the absolute need
and desire to lose myself in a book.

Yes! But what about writing?
Calm down, you are actually the type that is most likely to be a
published author.
With the current Situation in our continent Africa, there is much need
to expand knowledge.
There should be no exception for there is plenty of information to
exhibit and exhaust. The future needs to view information freshly and
have it delivered to them rightly.
Okay, if you have begun your writing journey, we appreciate.

How to go about in publishing:

CreateSpace: Self Publishing and Free Distribution for Books, CD, DVD has a great package for anyone hoping to self publish BTW.
No ISBN fees.

If you got a few Dallas then you can also try Jacana Publishers

Great, we will also like to here from you, you can contact o the
comment section.

Thank you! One of my goals is to become a published author.

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