Thursday, June 4, 2015

GMO Effects And Its Introduction To Africa, Colonial Capital.

We Have Theories/Conspiracies And Propaganda, This isn't one, The
Evidences Are Outstanding And This Goes Even Beyond "Gayification" And
Raises Questions On Pharmaceutical And Pesticide Companies, GMO And
Its Introduction To Africa, Colonial Capitalism And Academia etc etc..
This Some Serious Stuff: Feel Free To Research Dr. Tyrone Hayes(Of
Berkeley Uni) And Everything Else, This Isn't Some Web Propaganda...
He says:
"They're Putting Chemicals In the Food To Make People Gay".

Professor Tyrone Hayes has a very controversial theory about
homosexuality and men! According to the Professor, he has scientific
proof that the government has been putting chemicals in food that
turns people gay.
He says,' They are definitely putting toxic chemicals in our food but
do you think the Professor may be on to something in his research
claiming that some of those chemicals intended purpose is to make
people gay?'

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