Friday, June 12, 2015

PLO Lumumba Describing the Xenophobic Attacks in South Africa Translation

Though it is said that the strong message was posted by a rouge fake
account, many couldn't understand the meaning.

He is what was mentioned,
"The ongoing attacks on foreigners in South Africa (xenophobia) is a
miasma of a deprecated apothesis of a hemorrhaging plutocracy,
cascadinly oozing into a malodorous excresence of mobocracy. With all
termagant ossifying proclivities of a kakistocracy, their knowledgia
centura is enveloped in a paraphlegic crinkum crankum. Therefore, the
lampooning is cest in deja vu, deja vu peret ologomabia"

can you find this in the dictionary? Really!

Here is the translation:

'MIASMA=vapor from decaying organic matter.
hemorrhaging=discharge of blood
PLUTOCRACY=1. the rule or power of wealth or of the wealthy
2. government or state in which the wealthy class rules
3. class or group ruling, or exercising power or influence, byvirtue
of its wealth
CASCADING=1. waterfall
2. anything falling like a waterfall
- verb (used without object)
3. to fall in a cascade
malodorous=smelling bad
MOBOCRACY=1. political control by a mob
2. the mob as a ruling class
TERMAGNANT=1. violent, turbulent, orbrawling woman
2. mythical deity popularly believed in the Middle Ages to be
worshiped by the Muslims and introduced into the morality play as a
violent, overbearing personage in long robes
- adjective
3. violent; turbulent; brawling; shrewish
OSSIFYING=to convert into bone
KAKISTOCRACY=government by the worst persons; a form of government
inwhich the worst persons are in power
CRINKUM CRANKUM=(nt in dictionary abeg)if u can help wit dat
LOGOMANIA=pathologically excessive(and often incoherent) talking

Hope you now got it folks.

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