Thursday, June 4, 2015

Why Spirituality Has Imbalances And Taboos

From time to time have found this true and making alot of sence.

'Nature doesn't't recognize Good and Evil. Nature only recognizes
balance and imbalance.' - Walter Bishop

This is such an important distinction between nature-based
spirituality and religion. religion has "sins",
"abominations","haram", etc.

Spirituality has imbalances and taboos for individuals, but rarely
universal "sins" that are wrong for everyone.
Following the model of nature, giving reverence to nature, holding
nature and natural energies (wind, water, fire, etc.) as embodiments
or manifestations of deities and entities - as many spiritualities
believe - positions the concept of "good" and "bad" from religion as
simply as absurd.

Even within western philosophy, the concept of "good and evil" have
long been logically destroyed as nonsense.


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