Wednesday, June 10, 2015

How Does it Feel Being in a Relationship with an ENFP

I've written and rewritten my thoughts to you several times already

this evening.... your words truly touched me and I feel so bad for the

pain you are clearly suffering. Being in a relationship with an ENFP,

it struck me how easily this could have been him. I think of how many

times I came close to bolting, even began to... it is difficult at

times to have such a powerful connection to another human being -

especially one that while on one level seems to understand you like no

other, but in other ways you feel can never truly understand you... I

think at times he reads me better and knows me better than I know

myself. Then there are times I think, gosh you just don't get it...

you will never "get" the depth of an INFJ - we are just wired so

differently. 10 or even 5 years ago I never could have done this

relationship. I simply wasn't secure enough in myself. Oh sure it's

everything I would have told myself I wanted, but in the end, I'd have

found a million reasons to go. Perhaps she just wasn't ready. Perhaps

it's nothing you did, nothing she did... she just needed time to grow.

You may never know for sure. I have learned to look at life this

way... after much trauma, heartbreak, betrayal and chaos in my life, I

have taken the gifts that every one of these things have given me -

strength, courage, the will to go on AND every single time, I have

come to see each set back as something that set me on the path to

incredible happiness. Sometimes it's just really hard to see. Hang in


Credit: L Kennedy

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