Thursday, June 11, 2015


Traits of an INFJ,
INFJ types are complex individuals. Having an over abundance of skills
is not uncommon. Quick learners who tend to pick up new skills with
ease as long as they are comfortable in their environment. All hold a
strong interest in human behavior and will spend much of their time
observing others. When talking to others it is not uncommon for the
INFJ to mimic body language and speech patterns of the person they are
talking to, in order to gain a deeper understanding and bond with that
individual. This is done to get right on board with what is being
said, felt, projected, and implied. This active engagement of others
is highly developed in the INFJ. They can and do adapt to their
environment based on the people around them at the time.
INFJ are strongly drawn to mystery and things that are very hard to
understand or explain. They can be intensely drawn into any subject.
Will often become actively obsessed with studding and experiencing a
new thing. Only to discover they are bored with the subject after a
few months and suddenly need to move on to the next interesting thing.
Phasing one interest out and a new interest in. Often never to go back
to past interest, unless it can be utilized as a tool for future
interests. The one major exception to this rule is people, INFJ's seem
to be utterly fascinated with human behavior and make analyzing the
motives and behaviors of others a life long practice.
Much of their metaphoric writing and speech is used in combination
with sarcasm and humor, as a way to encrypt their deeper meanings.
They are one of the only personality types that will intentionally
express themselves in a way that can be misunderstood. This is one of
the most common ways they will use to vent their frustrations or mock
others (if they are really unhappy with them).
INFJ's tend to be most comfortable verbally articulating themselves
when they can be one on one with others. They are problem solvers and
so when they express themselves it is often done with a deeper meaning
attached. This also makes them somewhat awkward at small talk in most
situations because there is often no depth involved. When they write,
they express themselves best when a specific person is kept in mind.
They can be extremely metaphoric with their speech and writing.
Developed writers tend to have a visually expressive writing style
that cuts right to the point. In fact INFJ's are all very good at
summarizing large amounts of data into one or two conclusive
sentences. Making them experts at expressing things that other types
are often at a loss of words to express.
INFJ's are driven to compassion. They want to give genuine help to
anyone in need, as long as the people in need are actively trying to
improve themselves. Their favorite way to help others is though advice
and encouragement. The benefit of having an INFJ for a friend is that
they will give you advice freely. Meaning they will not hold it
against you if you do not take their advice.

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