Sunday, June 7, 2015

Causes And Remedies To The Recent Afrophobic Cases in South Africa

The number 1 game in South Africa is avoidance and Apartheid beat them
hands down.
Somehow Apartheid taught black South Africans are better than the rest
of Africa.
It taught them they are better Negroes and hence explained the recent
Afro phobic cases we see.
The biggest thing than the white owned media and education system in
South Africa did to entrench this isolationist behavior from black
South Africa is by clearly distorting the history of the independence
of that country.
Firstly they were taught it was Nelson Mandela who single handedly
liberated South Africa and he is the only man who made sacrifices for
that country's liberation.
Hence you see other heroes of South Africa's independence struggle
have been separated from the struggle itself. Robert Sobukwe and the
Steve Biko's come to mind.
Secondly and most importantly South Africans are never taught how
their brothers and sisters from across the continent aided in the
liberation of that country.
The sole reason why the front line states where formed was to fight
Apartheid, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mozambique, Angola made a lot of
sacrifices in the fight against the Boers.
Mozambique was plunged into an Apartheid sponsored civil war which
resulted in the death of thousands of Mozambicans in the name of
destabilizing Mozambique which was giving help to the ANC.
This country made so much sacrifices that at the hands of Apartheid
they lost their first black President in Samora Machel.
Same with Angola,they had to endure an Aphatheid onslaught to the
extent MPLA almost lost Luanda to the Boers.
They also had to endure another Aphatheid sponsored civil war.
Zimbabweans where killed in large numbers due to their support for ANC
combatants..Many were parcel bombed by Aphatheid and SA also sponsored
dissident to destabilise the country.
Basically it was the pressure from the OAU and the front line states
that forced the Boers to surrender political power to black people but
is that the narrative taught in South African schools and media?
No they are taught its because of FW De Klerk's pity and
'selflessness' that he gave them independence hence Mandela had the
audacity to receive a Nobel Prize by his side.
They are taught it was pressure from New Zealand when they protested
against the Springboks that SA considered giving them independence.
Nothing at all is taught about how Gaddafi,yes the same Gaddafi that
South Africa voted to be bombed and killed at the Security council,who
gave financial sponsorship to ANC to the extent that on Mandela's
first state visit he went to Libya to thank Gaddafi.
Many South African ANC officials where sheltered and looked after by
fellow African countries as they took risk to help their SA brothers.
Now with all these sacrifices,somewhich i havent mentioned why is it
the average black South African wants to detatch themselves from the
continent that paid in blood of its brothers and sisters to give SA
its independence?
Its simple,these black South Africans have been taught through
ommission to disregard their brothers and sisters and even look at
them with disdain.
On the other hand they where taught to view the white man as a partner
in a new 'Rainbow Nation', and to view white foreigners as good people
who have their best interests at heart.
The very same British, Israeli and Americans who supported the
Aphatheid regime and refused to sanction Aphatheid South Africa, now
they are friends who should be protected and not be harmed in any way
whilst Blacks are considered lice and cockroaches.
This is the mentality that prevails in SA hence i said SA is now even
a Security Threat for the whole of Africa especially considering their
role in the Libya saga,Ivory Coast and even Outside of Africa in
But the average black South African will deny and actually claim to be
a Pan Africanist and yet if they truly honoured the continent they
wouldn't even think for a second to beat up a fellow African.
Thanks to Ekpenede Idu for sharing the article.


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